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Jessica Nieman-Hong

Rising Star and Pet Groomer Grad: Using Every Available Advantage to Create Lasting Success

Meet Rising Star and Pet Groomer Grad Jessica Nieman-Hong of Petsense in Dunn, North Carolina! Jessica is a dedicated learner and a gifted groomer. We take notice of students who leverage every resource available to extract as much as they can from the program, and Jessica left no stone unturned. Her learning skills can only predict a very bright future in the grooming world!

Her mentor Suesan Watson confirms this, sharing, “All throughout Level 2 Jessica has shown she has what it takes to be an excellent groomer. She stayed focused, she asked questions, and wanted critiques along the way that would help her better her skills. She will be a great team member in her salon and will be up to any task given to her. I wish her nothing but great success moving forward but I know she will excel. Good Luck!”

Why did you choose dog grooming as a career?

I became a groomer as a career change. I have always been in customer service and have always loved animals. I saw grooming as a way to expand my skills. I fell in love with grooming immediately. It is definitely what I was meant to do.

What did you enjoy most during your coursework?

I enjoyed learning how to make the dog look beautiful. It is really rewarding to see the transformation before the groom and after the groom. I also very much enjoyed learning from my teacher. Sue is an amazing instructor!!

Where can we see your work?

I am working on building my portfolio. As of right now all of the pictures of my grooms are just on my phone. I am hoping to be able to print them out so I have a physical portfolio of my work.

Any advice for aspiring groomers?

Just do it. It has been one of the most rewarding careers I have ever had. You do have to take your time and pay attention to your learning but hard work pays off in this business.

About Jessica Nieman-Hong

Jessica Nieman-Hong graduated Paragon's Distance Learning Program in 2024. See her work at Petsense!
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