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Tori Henick

Rising Star and Groom Tech Grad: A Grooming Natural Begins An Exciting Journey

Meet Rising Star and Groom Tech Grad Tori Henick of Petsense in Beverly Hills, Florida! Tori has a natural rapport with animals and the grooming process “clicked” with her early on. It’s been such a joy to see her work and move through the program, and we can’t wait to see her grooming future unfold!

Her mentor Jen McCarthy adds, “Tori has been a great student. Didn’t need to message me a lot but she always stayed on top of her work and due dates. She worked hard to finish her program before her expiration date while still getting top grades in both her written exams as well as her photo submission tests. She did her best on every dog she turned in!”

Why did you choose dog grooming as a career?

Growing up, I quickly forged a love and respect for animals. I was raised in a animal-filled household, with dozens of dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, and so much more. I also spent a lot of my childhood with my grandmother volunteering at The Humane Society, furthering my love for dogs and cats and seeing that I wanted to pursue a career with animals. I reason I choose to pursue a career in dog grooming is simple: I fell in love with the idea of taking someone’s cherished household pet, pampering them, and then seeing their owner dote all over them when they see how great their baby looks.

What did you enjoy most during your coursework?

I enjoyed the program overall; it was structured to where you never felt that you didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing. The aspect that I enjoyed most though was the videos. I am by nature a visual learner so, for me, the videos brought together everything that I was reading about.

Where can we see your work?

I have yet to set up a social media page for my work, but I hope to soon. I also hope to start posting my work on my company’s Facebook page.

What are your future goals?

While I do not have everything figured out for my future, I do know that I want my career to be dog grooming. I don’t see myself doing anything else and I will work tirelessly to establish myself in the field.

Any advice for aspiring groomers?

The best advice I can think is something that has been said a thousand times but is so important and truly fundamental if working with animals. They feed off your energy. You have to establish a calm, confident demeanor and the dog will sense that. If you are scared or frantic, they feed off of that as well.

About Tori Henick

Tori Henick graduated Paragon's Distance Learning Program in 2024. See her work at Petsense!
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