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JZ10 Coaching Session: TGFD (Thank Goodness for Doodles)

Runtime: 8:47

Why say, “Thank Goodness for Doodles?” When many groomers hear “Doodle” over the phone, they don’t often think happy thoughts. Doodles can have unruly coats, take twice as long to groom, disrupt your schedule, and the list goes on.

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, ParagonPetSchool.com president Joe Zuccarello urges you to think of Doodle grooms as a money-making opportunity instead. By adopting some price-flexibility and thinking about your schedule differently, a client-base of Doodle parents can mean job security for years to come!

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject matter experts.

Stay tuned for more!

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