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Paragon School of Grooming and our parent company, Melissa Verplank Enterprises, are innovators who bring new products and service to market for the grooming community.

PETCPR+ Certification Course

Our program is based on the most current method of animal CPR called the RECOVER Initiative which was developed by emergency veterinarians. This class is designed to teach the participant how to administer emergency CPR and first aid to an animal until veterinary care is ascertained.

This course covers many aspects of handling emergency situations involving dogs and cats including how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Participants will learn how to safely restrain and transport dogs and cats that have been injured, manage common medical emergencies and perform CPR. This training is highly necessary for veterinary and animal professionals as well as pet owners who want to be prepared in the event of life-threatening situation with animals in their care. Read the rest of this entry »

Paragon Hosting National Dog Groomers Association Workshop

Judy Hudson and Melissa Verplank welcoming CMG Candidates at a past NDGAA workshop.

Watch the Masters at Work!

Paragon is delighted to be co-hosting the National Dog Groomers Association Workshop and Certification event Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th at Paragon’s Pet Grooming School in Jennison, MI. You do not need to be a member of NDGAA to participate in the Saturday workshop, where NDGAA Certifiers Judy Doyle Hudson and Sue Zecco will be demonstrating on a sporting breed, poodle, short-legged terrier, and long-legged terrier. We’re looking forward to seeing two of our favorite GroomTeam USA cohorts!

If you’re an aspiring groomer and want to see the masters at work, sign up by April 19th to get the best discount.

Pre-Register at NDGAA

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Try Out Paragon Pet School’s New Shed Control Program

Paragon Pet School is delighted to announce our New Shed Control Program for West Michigan pet parents! Using a blend of tools, techniques, and products, we’ll remove the vast majority of your pet’s shed coat, making them more comfortable with the change in weather and reducing the amount of hair in your home.

During a full-service visit, you can add our de-shedding program to your pet’s standard bath and brush service, where we work to get most of the shedding hair out of the coat. Then, all you have to do is bring your pet in again within two weeks for a quick followup. Here, we will remove any shed hair that has fallen out after your first appointment using a shorter, “mini-version” of the same process.

To read more about our new shed control program, Click Here, or schedule your treatment today and leave the fur with us! Call (616) 667-7297 or Contact Us for more info.

Paragon School of Pet Grooming Launches New Online Pet Grooming Program

Newly Designed Website and the launch of the Paragon Distance Learning Program

Jenison, MI, October 2, 2018– The Paragon School of Pet Grooming has just launched its new Distance Learning Grooming School Program (www.ParagonPetSchool.com) featuring an enhanced state of the art user interface and comprehensive grooming education platform. This proven Michigan-based grooming school is now bringing the On-Campus experience to students everywhere!

Paragon’s “Synergistic Learning Experience TM” includes a combination of one-on-one attention from an assigned Mentor, textbooks and grooming guides authored by industry icon Melissa Verplank, dozens of embedded tutorial videos, quizzes and tests all delivered in an easy to follow, step by step, mobile-friendly, web-based program.

This affordable option is the perfect solution for individuals looking to enter into the professional grooming industry. Paragon’s Distance Learning Program is very attractive to Salon Owners or Managers who find it challenging to recruit groomers to work in their salons.

Now, Salon Owners and Managers can hire people who they feel are a good fit for their business. They are offering them a proven training program to help them acquire the skills they will need to become a productive member of the team! Many employers are even offering sponsorships or scholarships to pay for the entire costs of the program.

Paragon’s Distance Learning program goes well beyond grooming training. It also instructs on important topics such as professionalism, safe pet handling, sanitation, customer service and satisfaction, and much more. Paragon believes a person’s success in pet grooming also depends on their ability to represent themselves and this industry in a professional manner.
“Education is Everything. We are not just training groomers, we are creating Pet Professionals.”

Contact us to learn more.

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