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Hannah Boswell

This Alabama Rising Star Rockets Toward A Very Promising Grooming Career

Meet Rising Star and Groom Tech Grad Hannah Boswell of PetSense in Springville, Alabama! We can tell that Hannah loves animals, but when they lit up while trimming feet later on in the program, we knew they would make a fantastic groomer one day. We’re very excited to see what they do next!

We caught up with Hannah’s mentor Brittney Valle, and she had this to say, “Hannah did a fantastic job communicating with me on a regular basis and turned in solid work. They will be a fantastic asset to their team at PetSense!”

Why did you choose dog grooming as a career?

I have always adored animals. I love helping them and leaving a positive impact on them.

What did you enjoy most during your coursework?

I enjoyed the natural feet portion, it was really exciting to cut fur!

Any advice for aspiring groomers?

Don’t be afraid to slow down to accommodate your dogs better. A relaxed client is the best client!

About Hannah Boswell

Hannah Boswell graduated Paragon's Distance Learning Program in 2023. See their work at PetSense!
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