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Samantha Korach

This Rising Star's Past Grooming Experience is Further Refined and Perfected in the Paragon Program

Meet Rising Star and Pet Groomer Grad Samantha Korach of Pet Supplies Plus in Sacramento, California! Samantha is a self-taught groomer, which really helped them along through the program. We were glad to see that they leveraged our program to reinforce what they already knew while simultaneously learning and honing new skills. Now, Samantha is a force to be reckoned with!

Just ask their mentor Brittaney Valle, who says, “Samantha did a fantastic job throughout the Pet Groomer Program. They came in with previous experience and it really helped catapult them across the finish line of Level 2 quickly. They worked hard and were fantastic to work with — taking critiques and applying the feedback to their work. Samantha, you are going to have a fantastic career — keep up the hard work!”

Why did you choose dog grooming as a career?

I’ve always loved grooming! I used to as a child watch dog shows and wanted to know how to style their hair. My mom let me groom her dog; which later down the road became mine. I was grooming her since she was 4 years old. There was a lot of trial and error; my goal was to have her see me become a groomer before she passed. She was the one to kick start my love of grooming! Sadly she passed at age 17 earlier in the year. Every Cocker, especially copper blondes, make me think of her. I know she saw me become a groomer wherever she may be.

What did you enjoy most during your coursework?

In the beginning you were taught a bit on how to handle shears and a little bit of a cheat sheet on how to handle them better and get used to them if you needed that extra help. I now remind myself to look for balance!

Where can we see your work?

You can see my work at Pet Supplies Plus in Downtown Sacramento! You can also check @petsuppliesplussacramento on Instagram. We usually post photos about our grooming salon and our grooms!

What are your future goals?

I want to continue honing my craft. I want to have the perfect groom and then learn to go faster without the quality of groom going down.

Any advice for aspiring groomers?

Just go out there and do it!

The only thing stopping you is yourself! I learned to keep pushing myself and take pride in my accomplishments. Every road block and wall where I thought I couldn’t find a way to get the training I needed. I kept persisting and I have now graduated! If I can do it, you can too! Believe in yourself and the process; the rest will follow!

About Samantha Korach

Samantha Korach graduated Paragon's Distance Learning Program in 2023. See their work at Pet Supplies Plus!
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