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Aidan Crawford

Rising Star and Pet Groomer Grad: Aspiring Groomer Crosses Another Important Milestone in Her Journey

Meet Rising Star and Pet Groomer Grad Aidan Crawford of Chuck and Don’s in Chanhassen, Minnesota! Aiden continues her grooming journey at Paragon having previously completed the Groom Tech Program with incredibly high marks and praise from her mentor. Aiden’s work continues to impress and we’re so excited to see her further hone her skills and become a full-fledged groomer!

Her mentor Jen McCarthy shares, “Aidan has been a great student, reaching out when she needed to but also working through the program strong and steady. She got great grades on the coursework as well as all three of her photo submission tests. Aidan really shows her strong work ethic in all her grooms, doing her very best to make the dogs look great. Her natural talent is going to take her far in this business!”

Why did you choose dog grooming as a career?

I wanted to further my education and I really love being around dogs and working with dogs and I’ve always thought it would be a perfect fit for me.

What did you enjoy most during your coursework?

I really enjoyed being able to connect with the dogs one on one and I loved learning the guarded all and the all over trim.

Where can we see your work?

Chuck and Don’s Chanhassen.

What are your future goals?

My future goals are to be able to grow my clientele and learn more as i’m doing the job so I can further educate my pet parents!

Any advice for aspiring groomers?

My advice would be to take you time learning and ask all the questions you have!

About Aidan Crawford

Aidan Crawford graduated Paragon's Distance Learning Program in 2024. See her work at Chuck and Don's!
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