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News & Events

Check out our latest company news!

Paragon School of Grooming and our parent company, Melissa Verplank Enterprises, are innovators who bring new products and service to market for the grooming community.

Facebook Live: Staffing Solutions

Is your salon short staffed? Are you marketing as much for Employees as you are Customers? Join us LIVE Thursday, September 30th at 7pm EST to discuss the importance of being dedicated to talking about why prospective employees would want to work at your facility.

Participate in the Live Event and be entered to win 1 hour FREE Consultation with Joe Zuccarello.

Visit Facebook Page

IBPSA Seminar: 3 Key Elements to a Successful and PROFITABLE Grooming Business

Paragon President, Joe Zuccarello, will be speaking at the 2021 International Pet Boarding and Daycare Association in Orlando, September 21-23rd.

Seminar Title: 3 Key Elements to a Successful and PROFITABLE Grooming Business

Seminar Description: What do you think about when you hear the word “Grooming”?  Excitement?  Profit?  Headaches?  Groomers?  If you think more of the latter two than the first two, we need to talk!  During this session Joe will break down and simplify how you can look at Grooming from a new perspective.  A perspective of growth potential.  People potential.  Profit potential.  And customer experience potential.  Let’s take the headache out of grooming!


Hershey Groom Expo

The Paragon and Learn2GroomDogs.com team will be at Hershey Groom Expo 2021!

Stop by our booth to meet the team and learn more about our services!

When: September 9-12, 2021

Where: Booth #7

Register for Groom Expo

Facebook Live Event: Dog Is Good

You’re not going to want to miss this month’s Facebook Live, it’s going to be GOOD! Join us Thursday August 26, at 6pm EST to learn creative ways to…

  • Leverage your time to make money effortlessly.
  • Offer strategic retail streams that don’t require inventory or staffing
  • Enlist your client base to help you make more revenue

Your Hosts: Joe Zuccarello & Gila Kurtz

Join us this Thursday, with Dog Is Good!

Visit Facebook Page

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