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Are You Front Page News Worthy?

Blog ImageIf your local newspaper were to drop by, un-announced, to do a feature story about you and your business — would you be proud? What about your local TV station? Would you be delighted of the impression you will make on the community as your photos were splashed across the front page? What about being seen by thousands watching the local news?

If the answer is no, take the steps necessary to create that positive, professional image that will make a lasting impression on all of your clients, every day.

For new clients walking through your door, they’re going to make a lasting impression in their minds about you in less than 30 seconds. In those 30 seconds you have the opportunity to make a positive impression with three of the five human senses; smell, hearing and sight.

In over 30 years of business, trust me – this scenario has played out many times with my multiple business. If there is a slow news day, nothing can fill the space better than pets! Luckily for me, I have lived by this credo for years. We are always ready to be front page news. In all my companies, cleanliness and professional appearance have always been a top priority.

Daily maintenance is critical on an ongoing basis. However, many professional grooming salons experience a slowdown right after the holiday season. Your appointment book is light. The phone is not ringing. You’re wondering what you can do with yourself. I’ve got the answer for you. Push up your sleeves and get ready to apply the elbow grease.

This is the perfect time of year to do all those pesky little tasks you’ve been procrastinating on. It doesn’t matter whether you are a stationary salon or a mobile grooming unit — most of these items apply to both.

  •  deep clean all areas of the salon (we’re talking on your hands and knees using a scrub brush type cleaning!)
  •  apply a fresh coat of paint
  • organize your reception area
  • clean out your computer files
  • clean the lint traps of your dryer(s)
  • organize your supply cabinet
  • sort out your tool kit
  •  revamp your print marketing materials
  • clean and perform maintenance on all of your grooming equipment
  • refresh your website and Facebook pages
  • rearrange your retail area (if you have one)
  •  change the art in your salon if you have room
  •  install clocks in every room
  • oil and service your grooming tables
  •  order new smocks and/or grooming attire
  • pamper yourself with a personal makeover for fresh look

Many of the above tasks would create an immediate positive impression to your clients. Even if the client doesn’t immediately sense the impact of one of the listed items, it doesn’t mean it won’t affect them. It will affect you in a positive way. That positive energy will transfer to your customers.

The next time your local news company calls for an interview, you’re going to have the confidence to greet them at the door even if you only have a few moments noticed before they arrive. When your photo is splashed across the front page or you are splashed across the TV screen, you’re going to be proud of what you see — and your clients and prospective clients will be impressed.

There is no amount of marketing dollars that can buy free publicity. Are you ready to be front page news?

Happy Trimming!


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