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Ten Minute Coaching for Petcare Pros

Paragon President Joe Zuccarello offers insight, inspiration, and grooming business solutions in his JZ10 coaching series. Check back often for fresh episodes.

10 Minute Tips: Employ Differently Part 2 - Recruit Differently

If you consistently find yourself short-staffed and scrambling to find replacements in this tight job market, a change... Read More

10 Minute Tips: Employ Differently Part 1 - Market Differently

If you hear talk about how tough it is to find good employees right now, you might scoff... Read More

10 Minute Tips: No Cold Tables

Have you considered that you could be missing out on a lot of revenue and not even know... Read More

10 Minute Tips: Grooming vs. Hygiene

What do you think about when YOU hear the term “Grooming”? What do your CLIENTS think about when... Read More

10 Minute Tips: Safe Pricing

How do you set your prices in your salon? How do you communicate that criteria to your customers?... Read More

10 Minute Tips with Joe Zuccarello: Chicken or the Egg

What came first, the chicken or the egg? When opening a new grooming salon, many business owners ask... Read More

JZ10: What are They Really Buying Episode 5 – Partnership

When you think of the word partnership, what pops into your mind? A superhero and their sidekick? How... Read More

What Are They Really Buying? Episode 4 - Expertise

When was the last time you didn’t know what you were talking about? It happens to the best... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: What are They Really Buying Episode 3 - Peace of Mind

What business are you really in? Pet care is the first thing that usually comes to mind, but... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: What are They Really Buying Episode 2 - Confidence

When people come to your salon, what are they really buying? An important yet sometimes intangible thing is... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: What Are They Really Buying?

When people come to your salon, what are they really buying? Did you know that you serve two... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Are You Accidentally Hurting Pets?

Are you unintentionally offering services that injure pets or cause them discomfort? Is there anything you can do... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Mastering the "No, But..." Conversation

Do you like hearing the word no? We’re betting not, and your customers don’t like hearing it either. Hearing “no”... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Customer Experience Factor (CX) Episode Two – Touch Points

How do you foster an environment that sets you apart from the competition?  How can we understand and... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Customer Experience Factor Episode 1 - Culture

What is your One Big Objective? Why do you do what you do, in 5-7 words? The question... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Dental Awareness & Income Potential

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello shows you how to get a pet parent on board with... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Be the Expert

When you hear the word “expert,” who do you think of? We’re willing to bet it’s someone you... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Just Do What I Need You To Do!

In this JZ10 episode, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello, answers the question, “why won’t my... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: TGFD (Thank Goodness for Doodles)

Why say, “Thank Goodness for Doodles?” When many groomers hear “Doodle” over the phone, they don’t often think... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Yesterday's Rules, Today's Reality

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks all about navigating the waters of constant change. “You... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Story Is Your Superpower

In this episode, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello talks about “Your Story Superpower.” How can... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Can I Get A Time Out?

What do you think when you hear “Time Out?” We bet many think of sports or misbehaving children,... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Predict the Future & Rebook

What would you do if you had a crystal ball that could predict the future?  Would you play... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Get A Second Chance At A First Impression

As the saying goes, “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” Everybody makes mistakes, and... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: More Tips for More Tips

Expanding on the previous JZ10 video, Joe Zuccarello shares “More Tips for More Tips.” In this episode, Joe... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Tips for Tips

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks about tips, or as he would put it, “mini bonuses... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: The Cinderella Syndrome

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks all about wishes and The Cinderella Syndrome! Do you ever... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Getting Ready to Get Ready

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks all about getting ready to get ready for the holidays.... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Overcoming Time Killers

In this JZ10 Coaching Session, Joe Zuccarello, discusses overcoming time killers. Do you ever wonder why you’re so... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Employee or Independent Contractor

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello discusses the difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor. Joe... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: The Mat Fee Surprise

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello discusses how to navigate conversations about extra services and fees!... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Shareable Moments

In this JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello discusses sharable moments. What shareable... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: The Golden Rule of Rewarding Others

In this JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello, discusses the Golden Rule of... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Perfection vs Excellence

In this JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello, discusses Perfection vs. Excellence. Are... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: The GRAND Finale'

In this JZ10 Coaching Session, Joe Zuccarello, discusses how to make a great Grand Finale’ when your customers... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Demanding Times and Demanding Clients

When you are overstressed, it can be tough to deal with increasingly demanding customers. In this month’s JZ10... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: What If They Leave?

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello addresses a big question... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: How Can I Afford to Hire More People?

In this JZ10 coaching session, Paragon president and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello answers the question, “How Can... Read More

JZ10: Interviewing Dog Groomers

In this episode of JZ10, Paragon President and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello talks about “Interviewing Dog Groomers.”... Read More

JZCoaching: How to Raise Prices and Feel Good About it?!

Paragon President Joe Zuccarello explains why raising your prices can be better for your business AND your clients.... Read More

JZ10 Employ Differently Episode 1: Market Differently

If you hear talk about how tough it is to find good employees right now, you might scoff... Read More

JZ10 Employ Differently Episode 2: Recruit Differently

If you consistently find yourself short-staffed and scrambling to find replacements in this tight job market, a change... Read More

JZ10 Employ Differently Episode 3: Hire Differently

You might remember a time when you could devote weeks to hiring a new employee. Stacks of applications... Read More

JZ10: Employ Differently Episode 4 – Retain Differently

In the final part of Employ Differently series, Joe Zuccarello reveals the secret to retaining employees and keeping... Read More

JZ10: Schedule Management

Does your day get out of control – every day? Are “surprises” the only constant in your daily... Read More

JZ10: Make More Money Selling Extra Services

In this JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello helps you step outside your comfort zone to build your business.... Read More

JZ10: Learn to Speak "Customer"

Customers say the darnedest things – but so do groomers! Clear communication is make or break. Join Joe... Read More

JZ10: How to Handle Bad Reviews

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello talks about “How to... Read More

JZ10: Who Is Your Competition?

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks all about competition! What do you think of when... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Lifetime Value of a Customer

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Paragon VP and pet business coach Joe Zuccarello discusses the Lifetime Value... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Feeling Funky

In this month’s JZ10 coaching session, Joe Zuccarello talks all about YOU and how to rescue yourself! Do... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Customer Experience Factor (CX) Episode Three – Follow-Through After Appointments

You have served your customer and they have left your facility. What happens after this?  What steps can... Read More

JZ10 Coaching Session: Customer Experience Factor (CX) Episode Four - Your Front Line is Your Bottom Line

If a customer walked through your door or called your business, who is the first person they’re interacting... Read More

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